Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Perfect Moment

I don't have any pictures to go with this moment I just wanted to write about it so it would always be there. I've been going into many first grade classrooms teaching students about writing about a small moment and making that moment permanent. I had a very special small moment a couple of days ago. Forest had to go help a friend split some firewood and it was about 5:00 in the evening. For those of you who have kids you will probably agree that the moment when your child first wakes up is truly magical. They are still blinking away the sleep and are oh so cuddly at that moment. I have always enjoyed that time of day right before the sun goes down and it's just about to get dark and the sky feels kind of like it is hugging you close. Well a couple of days ago when Forest was out River was napping on the couch which is rare. I was sitting in our rocker holding Roxy and just soaking in her smell, and warmth, and just enjoying holding her little body. Right about the time the sun was about to go down and barely coming through the blinds River woke up. He came over and climbed up in my lap and layed his angelic head on my shoulder. I had River on my right, and Roxy on my left and we were rocking watching a disney movie in the last light of the day. WOW! There was a moment when tears sprung to my eyes, and I thought, "God gave me this perfect moment" I have NEVER been more content and felt more love in my life. I sat in that moment and thanked God for Kat and Wendy because without either of them I would not have been able to have THESE two children in my life, and they are perfect! Wow, I'm tearing up just typing it! I hope everyone in the world gets to experience a perfect moment like that.

1 comment:

platypusstar said...

Im so happy for you Candy, Im really glad I could give you that. I wont lie, I've been having some depression spills thinking about Roxy and wither or not I did the right thing with giving her up. But in my heart of hearts, I know it was the right thing. Im so happy shes in a home that loves her just as much as I do. I think about her every day. I've been trying to hide my feelings away from my family, and be as normal as possible after all this, my mom knows what I'm feeling even if she doesnt say anything. I love you guys. I love Roxy, I hope you dont mind me still calling her my little girl. I cant wait to see you guys again. I dream every night about holding Roxy again and being in your guy's life for forever. Thank you so much for giving Roxy a life many kids would love to have.
